How to Win Your VA PTSD Claim

A successful VA PTSD claim is supported by clear, verifiable evidence of a medical diagnosis, service connection, and ongoing symptoms. Summary Veterans must show that their symptoms fit the VA’s criteria for PTSD and present a medical diagnosis to the VA. Service records, medical documents, and other evidence can help veterans establish their PTSD resulted from their military service. Statements from medical professionals, friends, and family can bolster a veteran’s VA PTSD claim for disability benefits. Veteran disability claims attorneys are qualified to assess PTSD cases and coordinate successful VA PTSD claim appeals for benefits. Navigating the complex process of filing a PTSD claim with the VA can feel daunting, but it’s crucial for veterans who deserve recognition and support for their service-related trauma. Unfortunately, many veterans face significant challenges when seeking approval for their claims. Bartlett Legal Group has developed a comprehensive guide to help you understand, prepare, and succeed in your VA PTSD claim. Our team of veterans disability claims attorneys is available to review the details of your case and craft a strategy to help you succeed in your VA PTSD claim for benefits. Reach out to us at (850) 332-6434 or fill out our online contact form to set up a free...

Understanding How PTSD Affects Veterans

The symptoms of PTSD can make it difficult for veterans to maintain their health, jobs, and relationships. Summary Veterans can develop a mental health condition called PTSD after stressful, violent, or dangerous experiences in the military. PTSD symptoms can include flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, paranoia, and irritability, among other things. Poor job performance, tension in relationships, and physical symptoms like headaches can all be consequences of PTSD in veterans. The VA offers resources and disability benefits to veterans with service-connected PTSD. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by a terrifying or traumatizing event. PTSD can manifest in various symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety. Understanding PTSD in veterans is crucial as they often face unique challenges reintegrating into civilian life after experiencing traumatic events during their military service. As veteran disability claims lawyers, we recognize the impact of PTSD, specifically on veterans, is often isolating. At Bartlett Legal Group, we approach VA PTSD disability claims with a focus on providing empathy, support, and specialized care to help veterans navigate and cope with the lasting effects of their service experiences. Give us a call at (850) 332-6434 or fill out our online contact form to set up a free consultation with us....

Understanding the Impact of VA Disabilities on Getting an FAA Medical Certificate

Flying has always been a dream for many, and for some, it becomes a reality through careers in commercial aviation or even recreational piloting. However, veterans face unique challenges that can get in the way of this goal due to service-related disabilities. Understanding how VA disabilities can impact your ability to get an FAA Medical Certificate and ultimately pursue a career in aviation is an important step. VA Disabilities and Their Influence on Aviation Careers If you are wondering whether receiving veteran disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) could affect your ability to fly, it’s a valid concern. The impact of receiving VA disabilities on the ability to fly a plane varies depending on the severity and nature of your disability. While some disabilities may not pose any real threat, others could present significant obstacles to certain aviation roles, and some may even disqualify a person completely. Understanding FAA Medical Exam Requirements The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) oversees the medical certification of pilots in the United States, including those aspiring to become commercial pilots. This certification is a crucial step since it confirms a pilot’s mental and physical fitness that are necessary for safe flying. Who Needs an FAA...

What Does a Veteran Benefits Lawyer Do?

A veteran benefits lawyer offers essential services building, filing, and appeal claims to help former service members obtain the VA benefits they deserve. Summary The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides essential benefits to eligible U.S. veterans, including disability payments, pensions, medical care, and more. Veterans often face bureaucratic obstacles and delays when accessing these benefits, making legal assistance  from a VA disability lawyer crucial. Types of benefits include tax-free disability payments, pensions for wartime veterans, comprehensive medical care, dependency and indemnity compensation for families, educational support, and housing assistance. Eligibility for benefits requires active duty service and honorable discharge, with additional criteria for specific veterans benefits. VA disability lawyers assist in correctly filing claims, gathering necessary evidence, navigating appeals, and seeking increased benefits or legal representation in hearings. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides essential benefits like disability payments, pensions, and medical care to eligible U.S. armed forces veterans. Eligible persons make applications to the VA, and await an approval upon review. While the process of accessing these benefits may appear straightforward, it is often riddled with bureaucratic obstacles and frustrating delays. Many veterans, despite having strong cases, find their claims denied, adding to their stress and challenges. This...

VA Updates Disability Rating Schedule for the Digestive System: Celiac Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Hemorrhoids

In May 2024, the VA updated the disability rating schedule for several conditions in the digestive system category, including celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and hemorrhoids.  The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has updated the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD) for digestive conditions, modifying the rating criteria for 55 medical conditions to reflect advancements in medicine and provide more accurate evaluations for veterans. Key changes include specific rating criteria for Celiac disease, now rated from 0 to 80 percent, and adjusted rating percentages for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and hemorrhoids, aiming to improve the accuracy of disability compensation. Veterans currently receiving compensation can apply for increased compensation under the new criteria, and those with recent or pending claims will be evaluated under both old and new criteria, with the more favorable rating applied. Overview of the VA Announcement Regarding Updates to the Rating Schedule for the Digestive System The Department of Veterans Affairs recently announced an update to the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD) for digestive conditions. This update changes the rating criteria for 55 medical conditions. With this update, the criteria for ratings consider advancements in medicine so that veterans can be rated fairly and more accurately....

What is a Compensation and Pension Exam?

The Compensation and Pension (C&P) Exam determines if a veteran qualifies for VA disability benefits. It often plays a central role in a veteran’s appeal to add a secondary condition, increase their VA disability rating, or pursue compensation for a service-related disability. The team at Bartlett Law Group is invested in helping veterans claim the VA disability benefits they are entitled to. We understand how much pressure is associated with the C&P exam, as the success of an appeal often hinges on its results. Our team has created a comprehensive guide of everything you need to know to be prepared for your Compensation and Pension Exam. If you are struggling to build an appeal and your C&P exam is approaching or you believe your C&P results don’t tell the full story, our VA disability benefits appeals lawyers are here to support you. Call Bartlett Legal Group today and start the process of claiming your VA disability benefits with the support of our experts. You can reach us by phone at (850) 332-6434 or use our online scheduler to set up a free consultation. The Importance of a C&P Exam in the VA Disability Claims Process The C&P, also known as the VA claim exam,...

VA Disability Benefits Delivered to Women Veterans Breaks a Record

Military Sexual TraumaNewsVeteran ClaimsVeteran SuicideWomen Veterans In a recent stride forward for gender equality and recognition, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has set a new record by providing disability benefits to an unprecedented number of women veterans. This stat was released by the VA during Women’s History Month and as the VA celebrates 100 years of service to women vets with healthcare. Although women have served in every American war, it wasn’t until after World War 1 that they became eligible for veteran healthcare. Over 702,500 women veterans are receiving their much-deserved benefits, marking a 26% increase over the past five years. This achievement shows the VA’s willingness to make changes where they are needed so that our nation’s heroes can get the benefits they deserve. It also shows the growing presence and acknowledgment of women in the armed forces. This milestone is not just a large increase in care, but it will also help to bring the unique challenges and sacrifices made by women who serve to the forefront. Other Strides in Progress for Veteran Women Moreover, these strides are happening along with additional, broader commitments to women’s health and welfare. The Departments of Defense and VA now provide in...